Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Why stop now, might as well build another one.

Pilot RC Yak 54 Custom Race Green scheme

GP 123 on Prow Flow cans

Skywriter Smoke system

White Rose Ground package

Futaba guidance with BLS157HV servos No regulators since I am using all HV

Fromeco batteries and switches

I am starting this one as I usually do most of my planes after un-packaging, with the wheels and gear. I toss the factory tail wheel and mains for Whiterose titanium axels and carbon fiber tail wheel. The kit comes with a carbon fiber main gear so no need to replace it. Keeping with my trademark I will be using spats for wheel pants to show off the bling.

Today’s tip: When drilling fiberglass it helps to keep it from chipping or splitting if you put masking tape down first and if possible both sides on the entrance and exit.
I will once again be customizing the rudder servo configuration to a push/pull instead of cables. (I hate cables, pull/pull) This plane is not set up for it so it will be a complete modification to the rudder for the horn and fuselage to mount the servos.

Thanks for reading,


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